Chairman Of The Board at MEEMCO - Middle East Equipment Management Co. - Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
MEEMCO Group Companies: MEEMCO Engineering MEEMCO Mine & Metals MEEMCO Cement & Lime MEEMCO Environment MEEMCO Food & HospitalityMEEMCO Core ValuesCustomer Care/Focus: We believe that create value for the customer will create value for the company. So our services are independent of time and place. We have 24/7 stand by staff which provide effective solutions to clients problems through services of the greatest value, exceeding the customer's expectation for quality and support. Our achievement on the response is customer delight which customers feel from positive interaction with our people and our solutions and services.Quality:Provide high value and performance in our products, processes and services.Sense of Urgency:Demonstrate high accuracy while speed up the processes. Our 24/7 services distinguish us from other companies.Innovation:Challenge conventional wisdom, exploring new ideas and daring to be the first to create new value for the customer. We employ the brightest people and believe that each employee could make a difference.Predictability: By adhering to project management and quality assurance standards.Openness: Today, information is meant to move and it moves people as well. So we are fearless of collaboration and exchange of ideas and information throughout of ways which are clear, consistent and credible.Integrity: Choose to stride with courage and character, trust, honesty, professionalism and ethical behavior that is never compromised. We believeTeamwork: Is the heart of our company. We believe together everybody achieves more.