With 30 years of steady employment, Tracie never imagined that she would ever be unemployed. But she and her husband divorced, and she moved back to Antioch, California, with her three children. It was a rude awakening: without up-to-date computer skills, Tracie couldn't get an interview. At Opportunity Junction, "I got the computer skills I needed, but so much more," Tracie reports. She is now a Property Manager, with a full-time salary and benefits. "I am proudly able to support my three children, and I love the company I work for." Tracie's story is not unique. Last year, Opportunity Junction served more than 1,000 low-income residents. We offer job training, career counseling, support to succeed in community college, job placement, evening classes, and more. Opportunity Junction is a nonprofit that fights poverty by helping low-income Contra Costa residents gain the skills and confidence to get and keep jobs that support themselves and their families. We believe that everyone who is willing to work hard deserves an opportunity to succeed. We ask a lot of our trainees and in exchange we coach and teach them such that they can break the cycle of poverty for their own families. Opportunity Junction can help your business by providing trained, motivated workers for your administrative or entry level job openings. 91% of the graduates from our Job Training and Placement Program earn at least one Microsoft Office Suite Certification, proving their competency in Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Access. Our participants are energetic and committed to success – they’ve worked hard to succeed in our program and learn everything they can so that they can contribute to your business’ success from their first day of employment.