Kelley Reimer

Relationship Manager at Proper - Santa Monica, CA, US

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Kelley Reimer's Company Details
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Santa Monica, CA, US • 20 - 49 Employees
Technology Consulting/Tech Services

The days of one-size-fits-all weed are over. In its place is the right high for every situation.Proper is the recommendation platform for searching, shopping, and making sense of weed for you. Whether you've been on the hunt for years, or new to the game, we're the go-to spot for geeking out on all things cannabis.We're a group of passionate insiders that live and breathe the innovations, brands, and products across the industry. We're dedicated to sharing our perspective, and those products with you. The same ones we recommend to our friends and family, including Grandma.The products that deliver that high. The high that feels like it was made just for you.

Details about Proper
Frequently Asked Questions about Kelley Reimer
Kelley Reimer currently works for Proper.
Kelley Reimer's role at Proper is Relationship Manager.
Kelley Reimer's email address is *** To view Kelley Reimer's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kelley Reimer works in the Information Technology and Services industry.
Kelley Reimer's colleagues at Proper are Caci Massaro, Clauvia Whyte, Allison Caruth, Danielle Colan, Sheila Gallant, Oscar Perez, Alexander Zornitsky and others.
Kelley Reimer's phone number is N/A
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