Owner/Manager - Child Development Services at TechStars of Baton Rouge and Kidcam at COMPUTER EXPLORERS - Cypress, TX, US
Systems/Network Administator and Technology Teacher
A quality technology education is vital! COMPUTER EXPLORERS franchise provides technology tools, software, curriculum, technology certified teachers and staff, and real-life, hands-on education for students ages three to eighty three. • Parents don't have to worry about their children's technology skills.• Schools don't have to worry about writing a technology curriculum or finding a qualified teacher.• Students don't have to worry about being bored!• Adults don't have to worry that the world is passing them by!If you are interested in the franchise opportunity you need the following:•Willingness to commit full time involvement•Available cash investment of $23,425-$33,750 (of this $8,000 to $12,000 is working capital you are expected to have available for the business if needed).•Pay certain on-going monthly fees (Franchise Service Fee of 8% and National Ad Fund Fee of 1%) based on the monthly gross of your business•The balance of your total investment is $39,500 and is 100% financed by COMPUTER EXPLORERS with no interest over the term of the franchise agreement.