Account Manager and Client Cost Savings Identification Officer for OEM Clients
Account Manager and Cost Savings Identification Officer for Original Equipment Manufacturer Clients
Account Manager and Client Cost Savings Identification Expert - for Original Equipment Manufacturer
*We Help Equipment Manufacturers Find Solutions and Exceed Their Goals*Equipment Manufacturers (OEM's) need client-centric and highly trusted advocate suppliers that proactively care about and cater to their Needs, Problems, and Goals -- first and foremost vs. suppliers that want to sell things. DEE uniquely fills this role where our Equipment Manufacturer Clients can develop a close relationship with us and place a large amount of Trust in us to proactively create ***Cost Savings***, help them meet major Goals, and Solve Challenging Problems you just cannot get from other Suppliers.DEE is a Value-Creation Integrator that provides Equipment Manufacturers:AssembliesHarness AssembliesControl Panel AssembliesElectrical assemblies and subassemblies and turnkey assembliesCustom ComponentsDistribution ServicesComponent Sourcing and Importation worldwideSophisticated Logistics Value-Added ServicesSupplier Reduction servicesEnd of Life Services Support----- all with incredibly high responsiveness, trusted Quality, and unparalleled Flexibility.***Cost Savings Services and Guarantee***DEE drives more Cost Savings Than Any other Supplier our Clients work with, Pound for Pound, and we Guarantee It Every Year.***Supplier Reduction Services and Guarantee***DEE is critical tool for our clients to dramatically reduce their Supplier Base without increasing cost, and DEE will guarantee the results.***We solve your Toughest Problems that Cannot be Solved***We are told by our clients that "DEE solves problems that others can't or do not want to." From our perspective, DEE is a Client-centered Value-Creation Integrator that is focused on solving important problems