Magna House provides recovery and rehabilitation services in a safe, therapeutic environment in which the dedicated team will place each individual at the centre of all care planning and implementation. Our team's aim is to deliver effective care and support the long-term stability of mental health and support people to fully reconnect and transition back to community life, equipped with skills and appropriate medical plans to keep them safe and well.Magna House currently can accommodate up to 18 people, over the age of 18. Our accommodation is provided across multiple cottage units, which provide a homely environment to enable those with mental health issues to recover.Each cottage unit provides gender specific facilities with its own outdoor communal space. Each person has their own spacious en-suite bedroom, along with communal living facilities including a lounge, dining and kitchen areas.A further therapies area provides facilities for physical health assessment, therapeutic activity, physical activity, occupational therapy assessments, psychological therapy and a weekly advocacy service, if required. Within this area we also have a homely visiting room for families and friends to visit their loved one, as well as a sanctuary room which provides access to a wide range of multi-faith resources for prayer, meditation or reflection.Here at Magna House, we intend on tackling the stigma experienced by people with mental health issues by providing a service that promotes positive values and incorporates the patient experience. Our vision is to inspire and be inspired by the people we support during their journey to recovery, fostering hope and enabling the ‘whole-person' approach, which integrates all aspects of an individual's life such as work, family and wider social environments.If you would like any further information or to arrange a free pre-admission assessment, please contact us on 01526 809771 or