Information Technology Help Desk Support at FATUM Schadeverzekering N.V. - Paramaribo, Paramaribo District, Suriname
FATUM Schadeverzekering N.V. is a dynamic insurance company, which offers the widest package of insurance products within the Surinamese insurance sector.Efficient combinations of products to offer an as large as possible security for the risks in daily life for individual households, companies and other establishments.New enhancements within the company, concerning automation, personnel and the offer of financial services, are all characterized by quick- and accurate services. The extraordinary needs and the guidance of the customer through the precarious economic developments around the country are central to us.Our questFATUM is a leading financial service providor within the Surinamese community and offers a wide scale of financial insurance products to companies and individuals. We do this by providing in the customer's needs and to excel with an excellent quality of services with qualified employees and intermediaries.