REVIV is a global leader in doctor-led preventative health services. Education sits at the very core of REVIV. We continually strive to raise awareness on the importance of preventative health and provide the public with the resources to be able to take control of their health.We were founded in 2010 by four doctors who experienced long, emotionally challenging hours in the emergency room. These experiences led them to the decision that the public needed to become aware of the importance of preventative health in protecting against illness & disease. The REVIV experience starts with our REVIV Genetics products. We can analyse DNA with a 99.7% accuracy to provide our customers with a lifechanging insight into their genetic make-up. Your genetic profile can tell you which diseases and illnesses you're genetically predisposed towards and the lifestyle changes you can make to prevent these genes from ever being activated. The nutrition analysis in our Genetics products can tell you which foods might be causing your body distress and reveal the supplements your body needs to work optimally.The next stage of the REVIV experience includes our range of oral, intravenous (IV) or intramuscular (injected) supplements. We offer a range of proprietary therapies available to any customer visiting one of our global locations with a desire to improve their health & wellness. In addition, for customers who have had their genetics profiled, we can provide them with bespoke oral & intravenous supplements tailored to their exacting and individual health needs. In 10 years, we have become global leaders in preventative health, building an unrivalled global network, providing services to customers in over 40 countries across 6 continents. We remain committed to our original aim of raising awareness of preventative health and have made innovative steps to provide our global community with life-changing genetic tests, supplementation in 3 different forms and supportive doctor led