Kelvin Kengari

Licensed Nursing Home Administrator at Kansas Adult Care Executives (KACE) - Topeka, KS, US

Kelvin Kengari's Contact Details
Wichita, Kansas
Kansas Adult Care Executives (KACE)
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Kansas Adult Care Executives (KACE) logo, Kansas Adult Care Executives (KACE) contact details

Kansas Adult Care Executives (KACE)

Topeka, KS, US • 5 - 9 Employees

What is KACE? KACE is the professional association for adult care administrators and operators in Kansas. Since 1972, KACE has served the unique professional needs of the adult care executiveby examining the challenges facing the adult care field from the executive's perspective. KACE provides the education and networking opportunities needed to succeed in the rapidly changing adult care landscape.How doe KACE support our members? Education KACE offers continuing education programs designed to help Administrators and operators function within our complex and ever-changing profession. All educational programs count toward your state license renewal requirements. Communications & Networking KACE provides online communication to educate and inform members about the changing senior living landscape through timely updates via email, an online blog and a monthly e-newsletter.KACE provides members with the opportunity to build connections and enhance professional development through an exchange of ideas and strategies with colleagues who understand the challenges they are facing. Advocacy KACE promotes a positive image of administrators and operators, while demonstrating the commitment our members have to resident care. KACE meets regularly with state and federal agencies to discuss the challenges facing our administrators and operators. As one voice we know that it's hard to be heard. Strengthen your voice by joining a larger group of administrators and operators and let KACE advocate and represent you with state and federal agencies and with elected officials on the challenging issues facing your facility.

Details about Kansas Adult Care Executives (KACE)
Frequently Asked Questions about Kelvin Kengari
Kelvin Kengari currently works for Kansas Adult Care Executives (KACE).
Kelvin Kengari's role at Kansas Adult Care Executives (KACE) is Licensed Nursing Home Administrator.
Kelvin Kengari's email address is *** To view Kelvin Kengari's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kelvin Kengari works in the Hospital/Clinic industry.
Kelvin Kengari's colleagues at Kansas Adult Care Executives (KACE) are Melissa John, Bill Tofflemire and others.
Kelvin Kengari's phone number is N/A
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