Kemal Kolak

Education at Marmara University - Kadıköy, Istanbul, TR

Kemal Kolak's Contact Details
+90 216 345 21 67
Marmara University
Kemal Kolak's Company Details
Marmara University logo, Marmara University contact details

Marmara University

Kadıköy, Istanbul, TR • 6067 Employees
Higher Education

Marmara University is one of the oldest educational institutions in Turkey. Established on 16 January, 1883 under the name Hamidiye Ticaret Mekteb-i Âlisi, and affiliated with the Commercial, Agriculture, Forestry and Mining industry, Marmara University began its life in a house behind the Istanbul High School for Girls in Cağoğlu. The first graduates (13 people) matriculated in 1887. On 21 September, 1889 the school was affiliated with the Education Ministry; in 1893 the school was closed, with the idea that it would be reformed and reopened in the near future. On 15 October, 1897 the school, still affiliated with the Education Ministry, was reopened; from this date on the university has provided education.

Higher Education Educational Institute Higher Learning Institution Academic University Education Post Secondary Education Tertiary Education Academic Studies Advanced Degrees University Degree
Details about Marmara University
Frequently Asked Questions about Kemal Kolak
Kemal Kolak currently works for Marmara University.
Kemal Kolak's role at Marmara University is Education.
Kemal Kolak's email address is *** To view Kemal Kolak's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kemal Kolak works in the Higher Education industry.
Kemal Kolak's colleagues at Marmara University are Nevin Kahriman, Nurdan Ozaralli, Nermin Ozcan, Nilhan Apohan, Naciye Karamahmut, Cihan Yemisci, Ceyda Turkyilmaz and others.
Kemal Kolak's phone number is +90 216 345 21 67
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