OUR STORYIn 2019, our "wilderness" began. I heard the Lord speak to my heart about a Christian shirt company in November of 2018. I had recently become a stay-at-home mom, but also really loved working. I thought this would be fun, and a great way to work for the Lord. We quickly got an LLC in December 2018, bought all the shirts on a credit card, and began to build it. By March 2019, we were ready to roll! I was so excited and full of faith, excited to see what God was going to do. But things started to fizzle out toward the end of 2019… I felt like maybe I didn't hear the Lord correctly, not knowing who all this was actually impacting. What I couldn't see then is that I was being humbled… A LOT. "He must increase and I must decrease." I decided then to fast and consider the Lord fully; I landed on taking a break, slowing things down, and keeping it alive if anyone wanted to buy t-shirts, but not chase after the business. What it did do was give me a small platform to encourage people in the Lord daily, shining His light to others. This "wilderness" was thick. We had debt up to our ears, barely making all our payments. It was in this year that we really felt isolated from everyone. God began pulling us into a hidden place, where we learned a lot. We began reading His Word, watching so many videos about the Lord, filling up with constant material and GodIn the Bible Jesus tells us the most important commandments from the Lord: "Love the Lord your God with all you heart and with all your soul (mind, will, and emotions) and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these." (Mark 12:30-31) That's what we want to strive for, hope for, and encourage others in; as we walk through this life. Our goal is to serve the community, encourage others any way we can, and create a positive, encouraging, and uplifting place where everyone can gather and fellowship.