關於KPMG台灣所歷經多年不斷的發展與成長,KPMG台灣所目前有超過120位聯合執業會計師及企管顧問等負責人,及近2,400位同仁,服務據點遍及台北、新竹、台中、台南、高雄,為目前國內最具規模的會計師事務所及專業諮詢服務組織之一。我們為客戶提供量身打造服務,包括審計、稅務、顧問等專業領域,協助跨國客戶面對複雜的商業挑戰。透過KPMG的全球服務網絡,我們整合人才、產品與科技,並以產業知識與最佳典範來提升服務品質。About KPMG InternationalKPMG member firms operate in 153 countries, serving the needs of business, governments, public-sector agencies, not-for-profits and through member firms' audit and assurance practices, the capital markets. The KPMG network achieved strong results in FY18, reflecting the passion and innovative thinking its professionals bring to clients. Together with extraordinary people, investments in technology and alliances enabled growth across geographies and service lines. With the addition of more than 39,000 graduates and other entry-level professionals, headcount across the KPMG network grew to more than 207,000, the highest-ever number employed across the network.In 2018, KPMG was recognized in more than 25 rankings by industry analysts as a market leader, in areas including Business Analytics Services, Talent and Leadership consulting services and as an Insight Service Provider.KPMG is committed to quality and service excellence in all that we do, bringing our best to clients and earning the public's trust through our actions and behaviours both professionally and personally.The independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. Each KPMG firm is a legally distinct and separate entity and describes itself as such.