Ken Low

Interior Designer at The Iconfactory - Greensboro, NC, US

Ken Low's Contact Details
336 299-5251
The Iconfactory
Ken Low's Company Details
The Iconfactory logo, The Iconfactory contact details

The Iconfactory

Greensboro, NC, US • 20 - 49 Employees
Architecture Firm/Engineering Firm

Hundreds of companies and thousands of developers around the world trust the Iconfactory for intuitive and engaging design and development. Creating great user experiences for some of the highest rated mobile apps and widely used desktop applications is what we do. Our app and user interface design has received numerous accolades from tech industry critics and we've been honored with an Apple Design Award. We've designed some of the largest, most complex icon systems in the world for companies like Microsoft and Autodesk as well as some of the most fun for Facebook and Twitter. We also love working with startups and are thrilled to be a part of launching a quality app and helping them grow. Strategy, design and development on mobile and web are our specialties. Check out some of our work:Design services:http://design.iconfactory.comDevelopment Services:http://dev.iconfactory.comContact Us: Apps:http://iconfactoryapps.comThe Iconfactory is also a developer of award-winning iOS and Mac apps, including Twitterrific, xScope, Flare, Frenzic, and more. Find out more about Iconfactory apps:, just because we love to design, we spend our free time creating fun freeware for anyone to enjoy:

icon design user interface software iOS macintosh twitterrific twitter mobile desktop Icon & user interface design Emoji / sticker design and production Mobile - iOS & Android Cloud Services Platform development - macOS Apple Watch & Apple TV App Store launch strategy Responsive Web Graphic design & branding Icon & user interface design Mobile - iOS & Android Apple Watch & Apple TV Graphic design & branding B2B Architecture Firm/Engineering Firm Business Services Nec Design
Details about The Iconfactory
Frequently Asked Questions about Ken Low
Ken Low currently works for The Iconfactory.
Ken Low's role at The Iconfactory is Interior Designer.
Ken Low's email address is *** To view Ken Low's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ken Low works in the Design industry.
Ken Low's colleagues at The Iconfactory are Gedeon Maheux, Corey Marion, Craig H., Mike Bruzenak, Cheryl Cicha, Talos Tsui and others.
Ken Low's phone number is 336 299-5251
See more information about Ken Low