Denali FSP Fundraising & Grant Consultants was founded by Ken Miller, CFRE in 2014. It is a consulting firm that works predominately with nonprofits, tribal organizations and governments in the areas of fund development and grants. We consult in all areas of nonprofits including education, arts & culture, social services and environmental causes. Denali FSP works to model and train nonprofits to achieve sustainable fundraising results from multi-channel fundraising, grants and especially individual giving. We also do training and workshops on fundraising, board best practices and on specific topics such as direct mail, online fundraising and major gift "asks". We also assist nonprofits in board development, major gifts, capital campaigns, foundation and government grants. Our grant services include indentifying potential grants, and writing of Federal, state and local government grants. We also provide grant management and grant reporting for our clients. We are passionate about bringing order from disorder, achieving measurable results from set goals and the use of analytic information and data for effective and sustainable fundraisingPlease contact us at for more information.