NBS Scientific (formerly Nova Biostorage Plus) is a distribution company with over 20 years of experience and strong familiarity of the life science research market. We supply high-quality products to help improve sample collection, sample storage, sample tracking, lab automation, and in vitro digestion processes in the lab. We love working directly with our customers to provide solutions to everyday challenges – saving them time and money, or more importantly, improving their processes and their results. By taking the time to thoroughly evaluate our customers’ specific applications, budgets, and goals, we have become a respected and valued partner in the life science marketplace. We often work with our trusted manufacturers to develop new products that aren’t currently available on the market or recommend modifications to existing products based on suggestions from our customers. NBS Scientific exists out of a network of distribution companies that are located in Europe and the USA. All the companies work closely together, sharing market knowledge and helping customers by supplying a portfolio of products and services on a global scale.