Are you thrilled with your insurance premiums?Do you know EXACTLY how to implement wellness programs that have an impact not only on your employees health but also building team morale?Are you and all your employees happy with your state of health?If you need any help with the above…Please read on…I've been around the fitness/wellness industry for over ten years. I've worked at the Cleveland Clinic and Vanderbilt University Medical Center.Mostly, I like to be your solution to health & fitness.I also help companies find wellness programs to meet the individual needs of their employees.The result? Reduced insurance costs for everyone. This generally makes employers, human resources, and health benefits types happy about the money they are NOT spending on unhealthy employees.After successfully launching my first corporate wellness program I've learned I'm really great at this....How do I do it? Monthly Lunch & Learns Onsite Personal Training Onsite Group Exercise Classes Quarterly Fitness Challenges Facility Design Equipment Procurement Online Accountability Through Our App Nutrition Workshops And much more…If you are looking for someone to motivate your employees and inspire them to make long lasting change to their health.CALL ME.I find solutions. For companies just like YOURS!You can get started by calling or emailing me today:E: P:330-853-7522Navigating companies to their wellness goals.