Ken Wormald

Managing Partner at The Wormald Companies - Frederick, Maryland, US

Ken Wormald's Contact Details
(301) 695-6614
The Wormald Companies
Ken Wormald's Company Details
The Wormald Companies logo, The Wormald Companies contact details

The Wormald Companies

Frederick, Maryland, US • 73 Employees
Real Estate

Award-winning developers, designers and builders, The Wormald Companies is a family business with deep local roots. Founded in 1964, our visionary, design-intensive organization specializes in creating new and innovative homes and communities built to the highest standards. The Wormald staff is made up of registered civil engineers, architects, surveyors, and real estate professionals who take a "hands-on" approach to building. Together, as a team, we rigorously evaluate and continuously adjust floor plans, designs, and construction methods to ensure that we always deliver fresh, creatively designed homes of the finest quality. Our core philosophy is to stay product-focused in our growth. From the very start, founder and Chairman of the Board Bob Wormald believed that if he put the quality and attention to detail into the end product, people would respond and word would spread. This initial belief has proven true and today, fully a third of our business is referral-driven. In conjunction with this core belief, we devote a large portion of our energies to land planning and product development, bringing in some of the brightest minds from around the country to develop our work into final form. Wormald has been privileged to win many awards, including the coveted "Buildability Award" recognizing outstanding scheduling, supervision, engineering, quality control, and ethics in the construction of new homes.

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Details about The Wormald Companies
Frequently Asked Questions about Ken Wormald
Ken Wormald currently works for The Wormald Companies.
Ken Wormald's role at The Wormald Companies is Managing Partner.
Ken Wormald's email address is *** To view Ken Wormald's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ken Wormald works in the Real Estate industry.
Ken Wormald's colleagues at The Wormald Companies are Joubin Bahramy, Adam Leviton, Melissa Power, Denise Rosales, Lisa Stuart, Jennifer Rindt, Alexandria Tomasini and others.
Ken Wormald's phone number is (301) 695-6614
See more information about Ken Wormald