Kizito & Associates teaches parents how to advocate for their children in the school system. We do this by empowering parents on the law (Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act - IDEA) and helping them feel informed when they enter that school. K&A can provide training to YOUR social workers or case managers who serve as advocates for foster kids or help explain the process to those foster parents. Kim Kizito, M.Ed (she,her,hers) started as a Parent Advocate in 2010 and has been working with parents and schools ever since. She decided to open her company in 2019 when she recognized the need for parents to receive coaching in the area of how to help their kids in school. As a former Corporate Trainer, Kim Kizito has been able to design training programs for companies across the country to teach case managers and social workers about the advocacy process in the school system. Knowing your rights is one of the most powerful things you can do to get help. Kim can get you there in an easy to understand, humorous, yet effective way.