Sisters Sans Gluten was founded in 2019 by us, Amelia and Kendra Farber, with the aim of creating an online and offline source for gluten free baked goods beyond your wildest dreams. We've been creating and baking gluten free recipes for over fifteen years and now have a dedicated business for our pastry passion. After struggling for years with sub-par gluten free products in stores and lack of access to quality gluten free ingredients, we have developed the best-tasting treats out there for those who either choose to or have to follow a gluten free diet. Sisters Sans Gluten manifests as both an online site and blog for our recipes and gluten free lifestyle guides, along with mouth-watering food photography by Amelia, and as a physical home bakery in Ashland, Oregon where Kendra leads our weekly farmers market presence and coordinates with local outlets who sell Sisters Sans Gluten products. We're open to orders of our products in the physical world and collaborations with other gluten free folks in the online world - contact us here or on our website for both!