WHAT WE DO: Your Idea has the potential of becoming a revolution. And our mission is to help you fulfill your dream and vision. All made possible with four core services designed to make you achieve your entrepreneurial dream. 1. Startup incubation, 2. Coworking spaces development, 3. Coaching and mentoring 4. Capacity building and development And we are a technology and enterprise development focused innovation hub founded in 2016 and administered from Ntinda.THE PROBLEM WE ARE SOLVING: High rate of startup failure in Uganda. Statistics show that 50% of startups in Uganda do not see their first birthday, 68% die before their 3rd year and global statistics say 90% of startups fail. The root cause of the problem is not just lack of applied and technical skills but also limited inclusive facilities.THE IMPACT WE ARE CREATING: Enterprise sustainability and job creation. We support early stage enterprises led by the youth between 18-35 years by providing them with office spaces and supporting them with technical parts of formalisation, establishment and capacity. Despite having concentrated our efforts in the central region, we have made all our services accessible remotely giving our target leverage our services.