Production technician / Safety representative at Wilderness School - Collinswood, SAU, AU
Since its establishment in 1884, Wilderness School has been at the forefront of girls' education. A non-denominational school for girls from Early Learning to Year 12 and boarding for students from Years 7 – 12, Wilderness School understands the needs of individuals. At Wilderness, we are committed to being true to the vision of the founders, the Misses Brown, and are guided by their motto 'Semper Verus' (Always True). They founded Wilderness School on their belief in the need for unlimited kindness in relationships, joy in learning and academic adventure, a spirit of humility and the balance between seeking individual excellence, success and generous service to the community. These key values guide every part of Wilderness School's culture, relationships, teaching and learning programs and practices today.The four values we promote, enable and nurture are:• Adventurous Learning• Responsible Citizenship• Respectful Relationships• A True and Courageous Self