Having all worked in Toronto + further abroad, our areas of expertise broadly range from graphic design + digital communications, to branding stories + content creation, as well as platform management, professional documentation, digital strategy + education. Collectively we have decades of experience working on projects with everything small startups to large international corporations.In a nutshell, we are a full service public engagement agency that aims to bring a well rounded digital strategy to the table that won't break the bank. Some of the services we offer are:• Brand Story creation including custom asset libraries, copy, branding bibles + more• Event Coverage including live streaming, promotion, reporting + analytics• Digital Strategizing ranging from ad buying to platform setup, email campaigns to audits + reporting• Masterclasses and Lunch + Learns: let our team teach you how to put your best foot forward online with sessions ranging from social media etiquette, ad buying, CASL + GDPR compliance, content creation + moreThe return on investment after implementing a strong digital marketing + communications campaign can never be matched by taking traditional routes. We can offer cutting edge solutions that will take conventional events such as concerts, roundtables, conferences, award ceremonies, + lecture series to the next level by documenting + presenting these presentations to a farther reaching audience. Small regional conversations can become global exchanges. Stakeholders + sponsors can see their names + brands reaching far flung audiences + markets that they might not have previously considered.