President & CEO at Advanced Mailing And Shipping Technologies Inc. - Imperial, PA, US
Advanced Mailing and Shipping Technologies, Inc. (AMASTI) provides complete mailroom systems, software, services and support for a wide variety of industries. With over 20 years experience in the mailing systems and processing industry, our knowledgeable team of mail-processing professionals are committed to assisting our clients in:Determining best-fit technology solutions for in-house mailroom production requirementsOptimizing mailroom staff training and support to assure effective utilization of mailroom systems and software investments to fulfill your company's unique business requirementsSecuring easily-accessible, prompt, professional LOCAL on-site service dispatch and response to maximize up-timeProviding alternative mail-processing support opportunities when appropriate to eliminate or reduce the impact of system repair down-timeConsidering best-cost supplies solutions for a wide array of existing and/or recommended mailroom systemsImplementing an easy-to-use, money-saving, prompt and professional LOCAL supply-ordering process