Coach at New Beginnings Chiropractic and Life Coaching - Valley Springs, California, United States
New Beginnings Chiropractic and Life Coaching (NBCC) is a COMPLETE coaching program individualized to meet YOUR goals. NBCC began over 18 years ago and was founded by Dr. Jon Baker who ran several successful cash practices for 30 years. Dr. Baker recently retired from practice so he could focus his attention on the bigger goal of helping to save Chiropractic, through coaching more chiropractors to grow their offices, serve more patients, and ultimately save more lives! Everything we do is based on LOVING and SERVING patients, and is very authentic and not a canned "30 visits" for everyone. The care is based on the patient's TRUE needs. We teach you how to demonstrate value and communicate this to your patients. In addition, NBCC is a life coaching program and we firmly believe how you do anything is how you do everything. Our program includes:• 6 seminars per year for D.C.s and staff• 2 teleconferences per month (1 for the D.C. and 1 for entire staff)• 2 scheduled D.C. coaching calls per month • 24/7 Access to your coach (YES REALLY!)• A welcome packet that contains all of our "stuff"; a USB drive that has every document you will need for your office, DVDs where you can watch everything that happens in the office, scripts, paperwork, and much moreA few of the topics we cover:• Building a CASH practice• Starting your own satellite office/offices• Creating Passive Income• ROF for lifetime care• Financials that show the value of Chiropractic• New Patient Acquisition• Scripts/Procedures for C.A.s and D.C.s• Goal setting and attaining• Hiring or releasing C.A.'s/Associate D.C.s• New laws/regulations and how to work with them• Advertising/placing ads; what works best• Philosophy of Chiropractic• Incorporating bonus systems to benefit you and your staff• How to motivate and retain staffA great way to find out more about NBCC is to come to our next seminar.