公司團隊由多名業內資深成員組成,對遊戲營運擁有經驗豐富,並擁有各自範疇的專業,包括產品上市前後的營運工作、廣告行銷推廣策劃、活動/比賽籌劃及執行、美術設計、服飾道具製作、廣告拍攝、配音等等,透過強大及專業的團隊令公司提供本地最全面的推廣及營運服務。產品部:負責遊戲產品上市前的準備及上市後的營運工作。各類型的資料整理,內容翻譯,遊戲測試,以至社群經營,活動籌劃執行,均由產品部成員負責。市場部:專門為產品制定行銷計畫,執行線上線下各類型廣告,配合行銷提供本地化「創意」、廣告拍攝等工作。為產品重新包裝打造更貼近本地市場口味的作品。美術部:負責各類宣傳品的設計,自家美術團隊,不單為客戶提供最專業且統一的設計服務,更有能力快速應對各種突發情況及需求。另外我們為配合宣傳片、硬照等拍攝,還有專人負責進行服裝製作,令推廣宣傳更多樣化。Our team is formed by a number of senior members in the industry who has extensive experience in game operations in different professional scope, including pre- and post- marketing operations, promotion planning, event/competition execution, art design, costume/props production, video production, dubbing, etc… We provide the most comprehensive services with our strong and professional team.Product Department:This team is responsible for the pre- and post- marketing operations, data analysis, content translation, game testing, social media operations, event planning.Marketing Department:The team is specialized in formulating marketing plan and implementing various types of online and offline advertisements. The team also provide localized creatives and advertising shooting to modified the promotions that is closer to the local market.Art Team:we have our own art team who is not only responsible for all the design materials but also has the ability to deal with any emergencies needs in short notice. In addition, our team can provide services such as film making, photography, tailoring in result of a more diversified promotion.