We are an established provider of supported housing for older people in Croydon and are registered as a Charity under the Co-operative & Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. We have seven sheltered housing Schemes within the Borough and one in Hayward's Heath West Sussex.In order to expand our services to older people we registered as a Domiciliary Care Agency in 2004. This enables us to provide care to the tenants in our Extra Care Sheltered Housing schemes through our dedicated on-site care teams giving peace of mind to both our tenants and their families.Our experience enables us to provide management, administrative and consultancy services to other Housing Associations predominately based in the South East.Alongside our supported housing for older people we have two properties providing general needs housing and these are dedicated to Croydon Council's Housing Register plus one scheme providing semi independent living.In December 2016, we were awarded a Customer Service Excellence accreditation having met the Cabinet Office's standard. We are delighted that the excellent customer service our staff team provide through all aspects of our business has been formally recognised.Our vision is to enhance lives by bringing people and communities together and we pride ourselves on being Passionate, Professional and Caring.HousingFor general non sheltered housing you should contact Croydon Council's Housing Team www.croydon.gov.uk/housingFor supported housing please contact our Tenant Services TeamSharon Johnson – Tenant Services Officer020 8655 6724sjohnson@eldonhousing.co.ukHuman ResourcesCharlotte Redout – Human Resources Officer020 8655 6729credout@eldonhousing.co.ukMaintenanceIf you are a tenant wishing to report a maintenance problem please telephone the Help Desk on 0800 434 6298Company SecretaryAnne Dickson020 8655 6727adickson@eldonhousing.co.ukGeneral EnquiriesEldon Housing Association Ltd2nd Floor (North Wing)