Kerry McClure

Trainer at Education Galaxy - Richardson, TX, US

Kerry McClure's Contact Details
Saint Johns,Florida,32259,United States
Education Galaxy
Kerry McClure's Company Details
Education Galaxy logo, Education Galaxy contact details

Education Galaxy

Richardson, TX, US • 50 - 99 Employees

Education Galaxy provides online and mobile assessment solutions for K-5 elementary students. The core product is an affordable, fun, and feature-rich program to help students prepare for state testing. It is built 100% from each state's standards, and provides a highly engaging and effective way for students to master all their state standards. After a diagnostic test, students manage their own personal Study Plans; teachers and administrators have access to a suite of reports to track individual and class progress.Along with skills practice, the learning component of Education Galaxy is key. Whenever the student does not answer a question correctly, they receive a brief video explanation of how to arrive at the correct answer. To supplement the core product, Education Galaxy offers Liftoff: Adaptive Intervention for struggling learners and at-risk students.Exclusive to Texas, Education Galaxy's STAAR test prep is available in both English and Spanish. The program is available in most other states currently in the English language only.Education Galaxy is..... curiously fun, amazingly effective, refreshingly affordable.

Online Assessment Adaptive Intervention Educational Applications Common Core STAAR E-Learning Mobile Learning Test Prep Elementary School B2B eLearning Prepackaged Software K-12 Education Education
Details about Education Galaxy
Frequently Asked Questions about Kerry McClure
Kerry McClure currently works for Education Galaxy.
Kerry McClure's role at Education Galaxy is Trainer.
Kerry McClure's email address is *** To view Kerry McClure's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kerry McClure works in the E-learning industry.
Kerry McClure's colleagues at Education Galaxy are Justin Chong, Sudhakar Gobburu, Tom Kassela, Clara Henry, Rabi Mairembam, Coleen Dupre, Professional Educationist and others.
Kerry McClure's phone number is 844-542-5299
See more information about Kerry McClure