Welcome to the Junior League of Rochester in Rochester, New York! The Junior League of Rochester (JLR) is a premier women's organization dedicated to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. JLR is a member of the Association of Junior Leagues International, a worldwide organization with more than 150,000 members in 292 leagues in four countries. Over the past 80 years, JLR has returned more than $1.5 million and 2 million volunteer hours to over 200 agencies in Rochester and its surrounding communities. JLR is responsible for the creation or development of many well-known community agencies, including Rochester Toy Library, Sojourner House Employment & Computer Training Project, American Red Cross Bloodmobile, YWCA Women's Resource Center, among others.JLR is involved in partnering with local businesses, organizations and groups who wish to have an impact on the greater Rochester area. If you are interested in partnering with the JLR or becoming a member, please contact us at (585) 385-8590 or jlroch@frontiernet.net.