Founder | Chief [Re]Generator at The Kerry Topp Collective - Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
The Kerry Topp Collective or The KTC is a boutique, open innovation and collaboration practice. We help courageous business leaders innovate and collaborate for intergenerational value, impact and relevance.Our kaupapa is simple, to ‘connect people & technology for the betterment of businesses, regions & their communities.' Our vision is drawn from & inspired by, the wonderful work of the Te Tau Ihu Intergenerational Strategy, to be ‘Good Ancestors'.Our four ‘missions of impact are; MI#1 Collaboration - we help you create human platforms of trust enhancIng mana for allMI#2 Innovation - we help you accelerate the delIvery of new products, services & marketsMI#3 Capability lift - we help you upcycle your people & create the pathway for students and under-represented communities into high-value, future-fit jobs, and finallyMI#4 Impact - we help you attract new sources of capital to amplify impact and we help you measure that impact. Our life's mission is to accelerate business & regional recovery & growth for better people, place & planet.Like to know more about how we can help you? Drop me a line, anytime.