The Western Australian Newsagents Association Inc (WANA), is West Australia's peak industry body representing WA Newsagents.By far the largest organisation representing WA Newsagents, WANA's aim is to assist and promote both the retail and distribution sectors.In a competitive and changing industry space, WANA adds value by delivering services that enable Newsagents to take advantage of existing and new opportunities.WANA continues to work hard for Newsagents, remaining faithful to its core values of being member focused, democratically member controlled and providing industry leadership.The work that WANA undertakes covers a broad portfolio of issues that range from the micro concerns of the individual Newsagent enterprise to the macro challenges facing the Newsagency industry.Many of the member benefits will either assist members to take costs out of their businesses or exploit new business opportunities that attract customers and boost revenues.In addition to working for newsagents addressing the day to day challenges of running a small business, WANA represents the Newsagent industry to its key supply partners working for a better result for you. It also represents the industry's best interests to regulators including relevant Government Ministers and Departments.WANA continues to be at the forefront of the industry and is the only industry body working exclusively for WA Newsagents.