Air HeatingThe ConleyMax® line of air heaters provide a flameless heat that blows fresh, dry, breathable air. Our 350,000, 700,000, 1.2 MM and 1.4MM BTU units safely provide heat to any environment without added fumes, moisture or exhaust in the air stream. Eliminating the risks associated with an open flame allows for ConleyMax® air heaters to be safely used in any number of practical applications in any cold temperature environment.Air/Glycol HeatingConleyMax®'s most versatile units are part of our MC line of flameless air & environmentally friendly glycol heaters. A revolutionary design allows our units to heat using the air output and glycol line at the same time. these units can be adapted to meet specific needs: providing all air heat, all glycol heat, or any combination of the two. A retractable spool with a minimum of 400' of 1 1/4" glycol hose can be quickly connected to various exchangers to provide heat to tanks, lines, equipment, etc. while moving a minimum of 5000 CFM.Water/Glycol HeatingConleyMax® holds a fleet advantage for our fluid heating work with our MW series units. We incorporate our customers' heating variables (start/end temperatures, volume of fluid, containers, etc.) into our heat/time matrix to create customized solutions. Utilizing our flameless heat advantages we can continue to safely provide heat while other operations occur. We can make on the fly adjustments in response to changing conditions, such as poor weather or project delays.