A quiet place to help your brand explode, a creative communication resource centre. The Library was established to offer clients an alternative to traditional agencies. We offer a place to think, create and effectively execute the right communication strategies for your business.At The Library, we believe in the fundamental power of ideas. Ideas are what differentiate your brand from the competition and at the heart of every great idea is a carefully formulated brand strategy. No matter what you're selling, we will always begin at the brand. Everything flows... imagined concepts suddenly become tangible, exploding in colour, noise, movement. The Brand will be sensed, it will make sense.Our business model ensures that you get world class talent working on your business issues at a fraction of the traditional cost. We'll happily lend our minds, brains, maybe a little brawn if required, to all your communication, advertising, design and digital needs.After years inside big agencies covering virtually all communication disciplines, we know what pains clients. Bloated estimates, missed deadlines, layers of junior bag carriers and uninspiring work. ‘ideas sans pain'We strive to remove the traumas and deliver intelligent solutions by working directly with our clients no matter how large or small. Using our internal capabilities and our strategic business relationships, we're able to carefully position your Brand, while keeping cost efficiencies at the fore.