Senior Software Artisan at WebAgent Navigator - Honey Brook, Pennsylvania, United States
WebAgent Navigator came from an application I created for a long-term client, Inter-Media Marketing (IMM). Over the last decade we developed what was known as "Navigator" to suit IMM's business and client needs. Navigator became the heart of the business with integrations into a number of in-house systems, commercial applications, and outside client systems.Several years ago IMM was bought by Qualfon, an international call-center service. Qualfon was interested in IMM's business, clients, the Navigator platform, and the expertise I brought to the table. I was under contract to continue to develop and support Navigator for the next 3 years.By the end of that 3 year contract, Qualfon had also purchased other companies in the call-center arena and decided to go in a direction more aligned with their standards and philosophy. As a result, Qualfon moved away from Navigator and my services. They willingly released me and the ownership of Navigator giving me the opportunity to bring Navigator to the open market.Over the last year, I've spent most of my time removing what was proprietary and out-dated, and adding many new features, including making it easier to connect with outside systems and services. The latest feature added is integration with Amazon Connect, a cloud-based call center, and other Amazon Web Services.Although there is a long roadmap ahead for WebAgent, it is a solid, proven, flexible, and highly scalable system suited for anything from a small customer service department, a sales group of 30+ agents, up to a call center with 300 or more agents handling thousands of calls.I'm excited to bring WebAgent to the open market yet intimidated by the prospect. I'm a tech guy, not a sales person. I'm looking for an early adopter who I can work with, and will work with me, to bring WebAgent back to a production environment and to continue advancing the features and technology.Kevin Burkholder EarthAsylum Consulting