The Mary Campbell Center is home to a community of people with disabilities and the people who assist them. Our staff and volunteers work tirelessly to help those less able with day to day tasks whether that's getting dressed, undergoing physical therapy, learning how to cook or read, or going to work or church. Unique programs address each individual's needs, enabling all residents to lead a life that is as independent, dignified and fulfilling as possible. The center has been designed to fully facilitate people with all types of physical disability and manages to successfully create a homely environment set in stunning grounds. We are so proud of our home, however to run and maintain it and to provide round the clock care for our 66 residents costs money. We are a non-profit, tax-exempt, charitable organization and are truly grateful for the funding that we receive from fees, Medicaid, foundations, individuals, grants and groups. The Annual Charmie Welch Invitational plays a crucial part in continuing to fund this very special center. We thank you for your participation.