Enhance is a specialist and pragmatic consultancy offering support to FCA regulated companies or those wishing to become regulated, in particular firms involved with or considering offering member-directed pension schemes.There are three main facets of the support we provide:Regulatory - this usually takes the form of ongoing service comprising an initial regulatory 'gap-analysis' followed by the provision and maintenance of regulatory procedures, regulatory updates and regular follow-up 'on-site' reviews. Specific 'oneoff' regulatory projects are also undertaken including regulatory health-checks, preparation for FCA visits or assistance with remedial action projects.Technical - sometimes it helps to obtain a second opinion. Within our firm we have good technical expertise so are able to input to technical queries and challenges faced by the operators of member-directed pension schemes. As with the regulatory support this can be provided on a one-off or regular basis.Training - through the 'Pensions Academy' we provide a range of interactive and practical workshops aimed at those involved in the administration or management of member-directed pensions. The workshops can form a pathway for someone new to the sector to gain generic SIPP/SSAS knowledge through a 'Beginners' and follow-up 'Intermediate' foundation workshop through to more specialist workshops covering Investments, Property, Drawdown and Regulation.