InVault是亚太首家持牌的虚拟资产托管平台,由国内外顶尖技术、安全、金融和法律专家联手打造,专为全球机构客户与合格投资人客户提供定制化的去中心化企业钱包、协同托管和专户托管等虚拟资产托管解决方案,适用于各类业务场景,包括一级市场基金托管、二级市场基金托管、交易所钱包托管、FOF基金托管、质押物托管、OTC资金监管等。InVault is a leading Qualified Virtual Asset Custodian in Asia-Pacific founded by technical, info-security, financial and legal professionals on a global scale. Focusing on institutional clients and qualified investors, InVault provides customizable custody services such as: Self-Custody Solution, Joint Custody Account and Segregated Custody Account, which could be applied to a variety of business scenarios, including: Primary Market Crypto Fund Custody, Crypto Hedge Fund Custody, Crypto Exchange Custody, Fund of Funds Custody, Virtual Asset Secured Loan Collateral Custody and OTC Escrow Service.