SlimMe1 LLC was started in April 2009 and is found at The YP10 diet is a low calorie diet assisted by weight loss drops, a diet plan, coaching, and support. People average a 15-25 pound weight loss in 30 days and then learn to maintain the weight loss over the next six weeks. At the end of the diet, they've stayed within 2 pounds of their end weight. Its a phenomenal system! SlimMe1 also offers other health and weight related products: - Detox Tea is a an amazing product for people on and off the diet. It gently cleanses the intestinal tract and addresses many issues that people have. See the web site for details.- Stevia is a natural sweetener that comes in flavors. Create your own flavored water without adding a bunch of chemicals.- Vitality is an amazing product that addresses physical vigor, mental acuity, and sexual health- Sugar free candy and dessert substitutionsOne of the things that people really need control of is their health. There are so many health related costs that increase as people go from overweight to obese to hopeless. Having a diet that really works and takes the weight off, the person is able to regain their "hopeful state". This shows up in their being able to take control of their health related finances (at least those that are weight related). It helps them get their life back. With over 60% of America hitting overweight or obese status by 2013, its a booming industry. We don't diagnose or prescribe.