Ideation Capital was formed to go beyond traditional commercial lending and banking services, utilizing creativity and precision. Ideation Capital will provide existing business owners, and future business owners what they need, when they really need it. Some areas of expertise: · Mentorship and advisory role for those business owners and business dreamers alike that seek a little nurturing of their entrepreneurial fire.· Securing financing for real estate projects and businesses that have strong credit worthiness, yet for one reason or another fall just outside most banks credit policy limitations. Most transactions fall between $2M-$40M.· Representing over 500 Institutional Lenders Nationwide, including Commercial Real Estate, C&I lenders, private equity, specialty lenders, debt & credit funds.· Ideation Capital can provide access to capital and loan structures not regularly available by traditional banks.· Supporting businesses at a time when others may have already turned their backs on them. · Access to expertise in the arena of selling and appraising industrial assets. Representing clients with over 100 years-worth of combined expertise in valuing equipment and marketing across the continental United States. · Helping businesses from around the country utilizing a global reach, which targets active buyers, end-users, resellers, and OEM's in every industry in the used machinery market. · Strong appetite for helping bank and nonbank lenders with liquidation of their distressed assets because of troubled credits.