Principal Scientist / Audit Team Member at Aster Global Environmental Solutions - North Lawrence, OH, US
Verification Auditor of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Inventory, and Aviation ICAO CORSIA program
Aster Global is a progressive leader in the development and provision of services within the international greenhouse gas (GHG) ecosystem services, carbon sequestration, and GHG validation and verification markets.From the small, forest service management company to the largest timber growers in the world, and from entrepreneurs forging new technologies in carbon sequestration to City, County, State, and Country governments, Aster Global provides services to a wide array of commercial, governmental, and social organizations seeking to create creditable projects and products.Aster Global Environmental Solutions is accredited by several key organizations related to environmental services, carbon sequestration, and forestry services including:• American National Standards Institute (ANSI) under ISO 14065:2013 for greenhouse gas validation and verification bodies including: ISO 14064-3:2006, ISO 14065:2013, validation/verification of assertions related to GHG emission reductions and removals at the project level for Land Use and Forestry (Group 3), and verification of assertions related to GHG emissions and removals at the organizational level (Group 1 – General, Group 2 – Manufacturing, Group 3 – Power Generation, Group 5 – Mining and Mineral Production, Group 6 – Metals Production, Group 7 chemical Production, Group 8 – Oil and Gas Extraction, production, and Refining including Petrochemicals, and Group 9 – Waste).• The California Air Resources Board.