Save on Credit Card Fees is an authorized referral partner of Menio Global, an A+ rated BBB merchant service contract writer and has been in business since 2011. We are dedicated to providing our clients with an upfront education and pride ourselves on being transparent so you understand every fee you are paying and why. After analyzing your current average monthly fees, our team will then provide you with our best recommendations for processing practices, equipment and offerings to help you save on expenses. Our average customer saves 35-50% on their processing services thanks to the many partnerships that enable us to offer you the best possible scenario in the business. Our team is available 24/7 and will get back to you in a timely manner if we are unable to communicate with you right away. We even provide our personal cell phone numbers so that you can reach us in an emergency. If we can not help you, we will always point you in the right direction or get the right people on the phone for you.We offer a streamlined opportunity for our partners to create a long-term residual income stream. Perfect for Business Coaches, Digital Agencies, Accounting Firms, Media Companies, and more.The entire team at Save on Credit Card Fees & Menio Global look forward to working with you!