宁波风正磁应用科技有限公司,成立于2017年,主要经营各类磁性制品。公司有专业的磁性技术人员,提供专业的磁组件服务。公司的主要创建人员都是在磁性材料领域有着十几年的工作经验,如今想要在磁应用领域中走出一条与众不同的发展道路。在此之前,公司主要人员就职于不同的工作岗位,有精品生产的,也有技术研发的。现在,我们有着同一个目标:利用原有的技术经验,加上我们的研发和生产团队,为客户打造磁应用的定制化服务。将客户的想法在可行的范围内变成现实,并且赋予产品应有的商业价值。无论是已有产品的生产和改进,还是全新的设计与研发,我们都会尽最大的努力,帮助客户完成。我们相信,通过我们不断地努力和发展,我们一定可以和客户一起突破难关,互利共赢!Ningbo Faizeal Magnetic Technology Co., Ltd, founded in 2017, mainly engaged in various types of magnetic goods. Our Company has professional magnetic technicians, providing professional service for magnetic components.Our main founders have more than 10 years' work experience in the field of magnetic materials, and all are working in different position, some are boutique production, some are technical research and development. Now we have a common goal: Using our original technical experience, plus our R & D and professional production team, to create customized services for customers. Turning client's ideas into reality and giving the product the business value which it deserves. Both the production and improvement of existing products, or the new design and R & D, we will try our best to complete. Creating a win-win situation.