Allsorted Amenities Furniture designs and creates stylish, contemporary yet timeless trend-setting décor and accessories, presenting functional features to enhance offices, malls and open spaces, customised for the corporate and commercial sectors.all•sort•eda complete seamless solutiona•me•ni•ties fur•ni•ture essential decorative convenience facilities It's not done until it's allsorted! Allsorted Amenities Furniture, a proudly South African company, was established to provide a superior, carefully-crafted product offering for new generation designers, architects and specifiers. The product range includes a selection of complete collections designed to enhance facilities management but can be interchanged to customise a flexible eclectic fusion. Manufactured from the highest quality raw materials, products are available in a variety of finishes, but all have the consistently seamless style which is the hallmark of Allsorted Amenities Furniture.