Project Geologist at Worldwide Somali Students & Professionals - London, England, United Kingdom
Company Status & Global Reach WSSP is a non-for-profit organisation with charitable status and has its headquarters in London (UK) with chapters across Europe (Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark), USA (Ohio, Texas, Washington, Minnesota), Asia (UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar) and Africa (Somalia, Egypt, South Africa). Mission Since its founding, WSSP has espoused a vision of unity that elevates ‘Somaliness' at the core of our collective identities rather than the tired and divisive rhetoric of clanism and regionalism. The constitution of WSSP recognises the entirety of Somalia as belonging to the Somali people. WSSP is engaged in a range of activities both in the Diaspora and in Somalia. All of these activities are designed to either improve the image of Somalis around the world or the condition of Somalia as a nation. Within the UK Diaspora, WSSP is engaged in matters of education, using its vast network of Somali professionals to act as role models and advise the next generation of Somalis. In addition to this work, we are engaged in Operation Restore Home. Operation Restore Home In terms of contributing to development in Somalia, WSSP's flagship program for 2012 is Operation Restore Home. This is a long-term initiative that aims to use the strengths of the Somali Diaspora (both intellectually and in terms of resources) to help re-build our country. At present, the three priority areas are Agriculture, Healthcare and Education, of which the focus in 2012 will be Agriculture.