ALL OFFSHORE was founded in 2014. Its core aim is to provide risk management and competency support services to the DP Offshore industry by using the latest technology and practices to deliver simple, efficient and cost effective solutions. Our current systems include; DPDeskTime® - Our patent pending comprehensive onboard training, activity tracking and time-logging system for DP Operators can help you cut costs and reduce long-term risks. Data can be automatically supplied to your competency management system for accurate and up to date competence matrices removing inefficient data entry time shoreside. DPASOG™ - Digital management platform for Activity Specific Operating Guidelines (ASOG) that can handle (and track) updates from multiple users over extended time periods, providing you with a full audit trail and clarity of the approved and released version. Approved guidelines can be distributed digitally though our patent pending DPDeskTime® or via controlled PDF. When integrated with DPDeskTime® DPASOG™ can automatically highlight to operators and shoreside staff when operating outside the guidelines allowing all offshore stakeholders better insight into the vessel operations.