Khali Gavin

Teacher at Midland School - Los Olivos, CA, US

Khali Gavin's Contact Details
Bald Knob,Arkansas,72010,United States
Midland School
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Midland School logo, Midland School contact details

Midland School

Los Olivos, CA, US • 500 - 999 Employees

Midland School is an economically and ethnically diverse college preparatory boarding school for students in grades 9-12. Since its founding in 1932, the School has embraced a philosophy and practice of a simple and self-reliant community, which lives close to nature. Within the rustic exterior lies a gem. Midland School offers a vibrant and challenging liberal arts education to college bound high school students rooted in agrarian values that are increasingly rare and sought after in today's world. Midland's founder, Paul Squibb, considered an understanding of natural resources to be an essential element of education, as only through this can students truly value and conserve them. Although we are beyond Midland's age of kerosene lamps, students still use fires to heat their shower water, maintain an organic garden and perform all routine campus maintenance. Midland stands firmly amongst the top boarding schools in North America. Midland attracts and develops self-reliant and responsible students who through their Midland experience become effective leaders, partners, parents, employees, and citizens. Contact (805) 688-5114 to schedule a visit or go to and follow us on facebook to learn more.

Education Education/Training Administration of Educational Programs Education Management
Details about Midland School
Frequently Asked Questions about Khali Gavin
Khali Gavin currently works for Midland School.
Khali Gavin's role at Midland School is Teacher.
Khali Gavin's email address is *** To view Khali Gavin's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Khali Gavin works in the Education Management industry.
Khali Gavin's colleagues at Midland School are Anna Koon, Kristen Zizelmann, Phil Hasseljian, Heather Carreiro, Paul Gelles, Tristan Harvey, Jose Ibarra and others.
Khali Gavin's phone number is 805-688-5114
See more information about Khali Gavin