Dynamic Communications is a Value Added Distributor & Integrator of Communications Technologies including Video Conferencing, Audio Conferencing, Interactive Solutions and boardroom and classroom products. We represent leading US and Far Eastern manufacturers, bringing their products to market through a channel of resellers and partners in South Africa, Mauritius and Africa.All of Dynamic Communications product offerings are award winning best of breed products, offering practical cost effective solutions to the communications, learning and presentation problems faced by corporate, education, health, government and SME customers alike.The Dynamic Communications Value-Added Proposition.As well as being available as best of breed standalone product lines all our Communications and Interactive products are tested for interoperability, and are available to our customers as fully integrated systems enabling us to offer certified solutions.In addition, All of Dynamic Communications offerings are underpinned by the excellence of our support services.Video Conferencing Technologies are exciting, interesting, and technically stimulating. However, they need to be applied from a sound background of networking technical experience, and there's only one way to get that experience – the hard way.The management team of Dynamic Communications averages 22 years each of Communications Technologies experience. We draw on our experience of best practice in service delivery to major enterprise customers and apply that experience to our pre-sales, installation, help desk and maintenance services to provide an unrivaled quality of support to our channel.Dynamic Communications is a Level 4 BEE Contributor.