We deliver high quality, customised services to meet the current and future needs of older Tasmanians, their carers and families.Freemasons Home, Lindisfarne | Fred French, Newstead | Peace Haven, Norwood | Community Services | Retirement Living Masonic Care Tasmania (MCT) has been created through an amalgamation of Fred French Masonic Nursing Home Inc and Masonic Peace Memorial Haven of Northern Tasmania Inc (together previously known as Masonic Homes of Northern Tasmania) and Freemasons' Homes of Southern Tasmania Inc.Our three Homes have long and honoured histories, strong brands and records of significant achievements. Each are well recognised providers of excellent service for residents and their families, and Masonic Care Tasmania acknowledges the outstanding work of staff and volunteers for more than 60 years.We will continue proud traditions of the revered Homes.The quality of care for residents and their families will continue to be central to our work as we develop this new state-wide organisation.