UOSSM USA was founded by healthcare professionals and incorporated in January 2015 in the State of Texas, to support the health-related needs and well-being of people and communities affected by crises, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, gender, religion or political affiliation.UOSSM USA is US nonprofit, 501(c)(3) charitable, independent, non-government, medical humanitarian organization dedicated to building sustainable health-related services and reducing human suffering and is non-political and non-sectarian in its mission. UOSSM USA is the US Member Organization of UOSSM-International, an Umbrella Organization, with other Member Organizations located in seven other countries, including Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Turkey. Jointly, since 2012, we have been providing medical relief, hospital support, comprehensive healthcare, advanced mental health & psychosocial support, protection, nutrition services, and support and capacity building of local healthcare system and personnel, One of UOSSM's major initiatives is the establishment of Bab Al-Hawa Hospital (BHH) in northwest Syria, which launched its initial operations at the end of 2012. BHH is currently the most important healthcare facility and the largest emergency and specialty hospital in northern Syria, which is considered the "Referral Hospital" in the region, because of its safe location near the Turkish border, in addition to the extensive emergency and specialty services, and complex surgical and medical clinical care it provides. BHH conducts an average of 900 major surgeries and provides medical services to an average of 20,000 patients on a monthly basis. Due to its strategic importance, many partners had, and continue to have, great interests to support our hospital, with few partners fully supporting all functions and services provided at the hospital.