The story of Singmah Steel Refrigeration Pte Ltd began in Singapore, in the year 2003. The startup operated on the premise of developing close relationships with customers through excellent, dependable customer service and high quality products that were manufactured by the company themselves.This focus on manufacturing their own products allowed Singmah Steel Refrigeration Pte Ltd to excel, consistently delivering top quality equipment to customers at reasonable prices. Best of all, because the products were manufactured by the company themselves, customising, maintaining and servicing the equipment was carried out in a prompt, timely manner – perfect for the fast paced food & beverage industry, where a single day of downtime can be disastrous.Because of their commitment to quality products and services, Singmah Steel Refrigeration Pte Ltd's reputation kept growing, fuelled by strong word of mouth appraisals and recommendations.Today, over many years since its inception, the company prides itself on being one of the pioneers in the food & beverage industry, and one of the largest, most trusted names in Singapore.Experience what our products and services can do for your business. Speak with us, our friendly team of representatives are always happy to help.