Master Electrician / Light Board Operator at Sunnyvale Community Players - Sunnyvale, California, United States
Established in 1969, SCP is a 501c(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing quality theater for the Sunnyvale community. SCP offers participatory performance and backstage support opportunities for both Sunnyvale residents and interested non-residents of all ages.Each year SCP produces four or five shows. Each of these shows draws cast, crew, backstage volunteers, and audience members from a wide range of local communities. These productions will use the talents of over 300 cast, crew, staff, and orchestra members and will entertain an expected audience in excess of 8,000.SCP offers a variety of productions geared to provide performing arts opportunities to three distinct age ranges: Junior: 8 - 18 years, Young Adult: 13 - 26 years, and Adult: 18+ years. The opportunities that we provide to our community youth through our Junior productions are unmatched in the local area.